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All the about Pkchukiss's life in the Singapore Armed Forces

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Addicted to electronics

I went to the [>>> ITShow 2005 <<<] with a bunch of close platoon mates, after a refreshing LAN game of DoTA (and no, to all of you Googlers out there searching for [> prostitutes in Singapore <], I did not come close to any of these dangerous women.)

Amidst the disorienting arrays of cool gadgets flying off the shelves (literally) at promotional prices, I found my ATM card's magnetic stripe hot from all that swiping. Hmm... That optical mouse looks like a great addition to my desktop! Swipe. What was that? A [>>> call back system <<<] that charges 3 cents per minute from my mobile? Swipe. I came close to shelling out even more for a camera before Bing De (one of the platoon mates) trounced me in the spending category by shelling out almost $200 for a Creative TX MP3 player. In fact, his hands were still trembling as he held his prize with high emotion...

Those merchants must have used some sort of subliminal influence on us! We were totally awed, and feverish as we jostled our way around the crowd on the exhibition floor. The addictive high was still coursing through my veins when I reluctantly left after the other guys (wonder why they didn't seem to be affected) dragged me out, kicking and screaming like a drug junkie deprived of his cocaine fix.

Bing De was not about to be denied his drug: We tried to re-enter the exhibition hall past the closing time of 9 pm, wanting to savour a few more moments of oggling at the silicon chips, lusting after the smell of freshly packed electronics, but were denied by a security guard who insisted that we go back tomorrow, and would we please stop drooling like a dog all over his carpet flooring.

I had to be dragged out — again.

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