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All the about Pkchukiss's life in the Singapore Armed Forces

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Interesting and Loathsome characters

I find it an interesting experience to be in contact with so many people from all walks of life: There is one poor guy back in my BMT company who is already married (26 if my recall is not flawed at 19 and a half years old) and having to spend 5 and a half days away from his wife just to complete his national service stint. He deferred his NS during his university days (how he managed to escape the maximum age cap for deferment I still wonder), and met the love of his life in 2004. 6 months later he was packed into Pulau Tekong along with the rest of us young 18 year olds.

Surprisingly, he managed to meld in well with the nonsensical sensibilities of us freshies out of junior college (my intake was comprised solely of that), and even managed to pass himself off as one of our own (so to speak) before I met him during the company BMT field camp.

In contrast to this is another person that I met later, when I got into this camp. He is quite a stark contrast to the other "misfit" in the whole lot. Without sparing any restraint, allow me to call him a self-righteous, boot-eating jerk. Where I normally do not stoop this low to label a person, his incessant pietistic preaching to the rest of the platoon has made him the most unliked person. Wrong. He is the most unliked person in the whole company, coming in runner up after a certain platoon sergeant in the company (but that is another story).

At first sight, he appears to be like me, a slightly chatty and cheerful soul who loves to go around meeting new friends: (I might even suspect that he was simply just trying to be like me, since I really have so many nice friends). A few months of contact with him still did not alert me to his underlying problem, until this conversation happened between him and another guy (who I shall call Anonymous). You see, Anonymous has this bad problem: he is always thinking about something else, and does not really care much about hygiene. Here's what I-am-right told him:

I-am-right: Ooi Anonymous! Why are you picking your soles?
Anonymous: What? I was just cleaning them.
He: (in total exasperation) Tsk, I tell you, tsk, you must go and clean yourself. Like that how can people survive with you, right?
Anonymous: But...
He: (cuts Anonymous off) Tsk... When I speak, you do not speak, understand. That is basic respect. Now go and shower, now!

At least some consistency in his behaviour would not have people calling him a total hypocrite:

I-am-right: (to a superior) Oh, Sergeant, there is something I need to tell you. (voice in full awe)
Sergeant: Uh-huh?
He: Erm... Can I go smoke upstairs? (smoking is prohibited in the bunk levels during office hours)
Sergeant: No.
He: Please...?

I have ignored his self-righteousness outbursts on me, but his recent actions really hit my raw nerve: Darth Vader would really crush his trachea.

It is amazing how he has escaped any form of punishment for his bungling of the book-in/out book: That is if anybody bothered to check and see that the signature, date and time have been filled up in the wrong order for ONE particular entry for a given Friday. This is his third time, and in my thoroughly furious state, I was shocked that I helped him cancel out his erroneous entry, and spoof his signature in a totally new line while he leaves camp blissfully unaware...

Now allow me to steam it off and regular programming will resume as soon as possible...

P.S. Geez, it is not that I was fishing around for any sympathy or something, but there really is a need for action to be taken, if all the guys there are to prevent any bottled up feelings from gushing out in a drink can styled explosion. I can feel it... The gas is bubbling already.

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